Articles - L Squared

Transforming Corporate Communication With Digital Signage

Written by Gregg Forsberg | Feb 19, 2024 4:30:00 PM

In corporate offices, digital signage is a game-changer in boosting employee productivity and engagement. Digital signage can increase employee productivity by more than 25% with improved communication.

However, most businesses have yet to leverage digital signage for business communications. Even worse, they still rely on paper signage and legacy systems with multiple drawbacks — including inconsistent information and delayed communication.

With over 45% of employees expressing dissatisfaction with employee-management communication, how do you solve this major gap?

Corporate digital signage can help. 

In this blog, we discuss how you transform boring office spaces into creative hubs. Read ahead to learn how.

1. Share real-time updates 

Communication has never been as easy as it is now - thanks to digital mediums. But here’s the tricky part - easy does not always mean better.

For instance, sending emails is relatively easy. It’s still a popular business communication medium. But how effective is an email when your employees receive hundreds of them per week? In most cases, important updates drown in a sea of junk and irrelevant emails.

That’s why you need a solution that’s more effective — one that can share real-time updates right where employees are. Here’s where corporate digital signage comes in.

With digital signage, you can share real-time relevant information like company news, quarterly updates, and business goals to keep employees informed. 

These smart screen can be installed near workstations and meeting rooms to reach your employees conveniently. This way, your employees save precious time trying to find information, ensuring more uninterrupted workflows, increased productivity, improved patient care and higher employee engagement.

Additionally, these corporate signage screens are also a great way for senior leadership to connect with employees. You can use these displays to share messages from leadership and display relevant and timely business updates to bridge the employee-management gap.

2. Improve decision-making 

Businesses often deal with complex data. These are often hard to interpret and digest when shared on spreadsheets and bulky documents. 

What if you could turn this business data into engaging visuals? We’re talking visual graphs, interesting infographics, and data visualizations to make them easier to understand.

This will help your employees interpret data faster, formulate strategies quicker, and execute more efficiently. Some commonly shared data on corporate digital signage / or digital displays include critical KPIs, market trends, CSAT scores, customer feedback, and quarterly targets. 

You can also share business decks and PowerPoint on large displays to present crucial data points, strategies, and action plans to make meetings and round-table discussions more engaging. Using L Squared’s PowerPoint plugin, content sharing is now as easy as editing a few slides.

3. Make training more engaging 

92% of employees believe that the right training positively impacts their engagement at work. However, most businesses treat training as a one-and-done process. Factors like time constraints, resource limits, and logistics are common deterring factors to regular training.

Digital signage solves these issues. With display screens installed in your office, you can play training videos, tutorials, and even live-stream learning sessions to upskill your employees. 

Data shows that over 65% of humans are visual learners, making video and picture content more effective in training sessions. The Content on Demand feature on the L Squared Hub allows you to stream in-house media in a Netflix-like interface – making learning fun and increasing employee engagement. This also saves your organization hefty training costs and logistical issues.

4. Recognize and motivate employees

Workplace recognition matters. Workplaces that have formal recognition programs have over 30% less turnover than those that don’t!

When your employees feel recognized and valued, they are more engaged, motivated, and more likely to go the extra mile for your organization. But the trick here is not about giving recognition; it’s also about the way it’s done. 

Your employees can spot a half-baked attempt over a genuine and sincere effort. Here are a few ideas for using corporate digital signage:

  • Highlight project contributions: With digital signage, you can acknowledge top performers and their contributions to big projects and client contributions.
  • Celebrate achievements: Share work anniversaries, promotions, and even outside-the-box thinkers to recognize your employees and motivate them.
  • Amplify on social media: Once you’ve shared these milestones on your corporate signage displays, you can also amplify its reach on social media to gain more employee engagement and employer branding to attract more talent to your organization.

5. Broadcast emergency messages

In sensitive scenarios, corporate digital signage is the ultimate emergency notification system. With solutions like L Squared, you can share emergency alerts during natural disasters or security threats to keep your office staff safe.

For instance, in case of a fire, you can override your current signage to broadcast real-time alerts in seconds! These can include the best exit routes, manufacturing compliance, and reassuring notes to ensure safe evacuation.

If your display network spreads across multiple locations, you can share targeted alerts only to screens in the affected area with device segmentation. This ensures that it reaches the right audience only and avoids creating any panic in non-affected locations.

6. Improve meeting room management

Picture this. You have an important client meeting, book a meeting room, only to show up and find it already occupied. You try to negotiate but lose the room, waste your time, and ultimately have to reschedule. This is poor business communication. Sounds similar? 

That could have been your past experiences, but not anymore! 

By using digital meeting room placards, you can book meeting rooms seamlessly without worrying about clashes. You can schedule a room way in advance and set the date and time to ensure optimal room management. 

Additionally, you can add details like hostname, meeting name, and room number to this office technology — making it easier for clients and your team to find the room with ease.

Boost employee productivity at your workplace with L Squared

We have highlighted how corporate digital signage can streamline communication, boost productivity, and increase employee engagement in your corporate communication plan. 

If you’re looking for a digital solution to transform business communication, L Squared has you covered. We’re a turnkey digital communications solution built for modern businesses.

You can use our corporate digital signage to schedule and manage content seamlessly across your display network. We have an arsenal of built-in apps to make content-sharing as easy as a few clicks — all plug-and-play! 

For more information, contact