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    Enhancing Learning Environments: Digital Signage in Education

    Are you able to communicate effectively with teachers, students and visitors on your educational campus?

    Maybe you’ve put up bulletin boards across popular touchpoints and sent regular emails about important events and updates.

    However, you notice this communication doesn’t have the impact you hoped for.

    Let us introduce you to digital signage for your educational institution. With this innovative solution,  you can communicate effectively with your students no matter where they are on campus.

    What is digital signage?

    Digital signage is a form of visual communication that uses LCD monitors, touchscreens, kiosks, and other digital channels to display educational and interactive content.

    Digital signage solutions are used in schools and colleges to share important campus updates, highlight achievements and awards, create engaging classroom learning experiences, and simplify wayfinding.

    6 Ways Digital Signage Enhances Learning Environments 

    Now that we know what digital signage is, let’s dive right into the benefits of employing digital signage solutions for education institutes.

    1. Communicate updates and alerts in real-time

    Think of digital signage as a live newsfeed for school happenings. Whether it’s announcing upcoming events or highlighting important notices, using digital displays strategically will ensure no one misses them.

    This way, important information is not buried deep in emails or overlooked on bulletin boards. As digital signs attract 400% more views than static counterparts, using digital signage in your educational institute ensures your students and staff don’t miss important information or deadlines.

    1. Streamline wayfinding for students and visitors

    Students getting lost on campus isn’t a rare occurrence. Some even miss their classes and lectures trying to find the right building or room!

    The case for getting lost on campus is worse for new students, visitors, or staff.

    Display screens showing the university's layout can simplify wayfinding across your institution and guide your visitors to their destinations. From meeting rooms and classrooms, to student hotspots and administrative buildings, you can make navigation on your campus easier with digital signage.

    1. Enhance cafeteria experience with digital menu boards

    On-campus cafeterias are high-buzz zones all the time. With large student and staff crowds to accommodate, traditional menus can be inconvenient and unsustainable, resulting in significant paper waste.

    In this instance, digital menu boards are a more sustainable option. On top of being more visually engaging, digital menu boards make it easier for students to scan through food options. Adding other details like nutritional value of food and seasonal options enables students to make informed food choices in case of dietary or lifestyle choices.

    1. Create interactive classroom experiences

    Human attention spans are shorter than those of goldfish! That’s right – the average human attention span is only 8.25 seconds. So, boring and disconnected teaching techniques will no longer engage and motivate students to learn. 

    One of the biggest benefits of digital signage for schools and colleges is the ability to create more interactive and immersive learning experiences. Using interactive methods like videos and tutorials will create more engaging learning experiences with higher retention rates.

    In fact, more than 95% of students say that including videos increase their learning experience. This has a lot to do with how  90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual, which makes visual content more effective while explaining complex concepts and topics.

    1. Acknowledge awards and achievements

    Part of the school and college experience is celebrating wins along the way. Acknowledging student achievements will motivate students to perform better to achieve more.

    Digital signage solutions for education are a great way to showcase student awards and recognize milestones. For instance, you can highlight interschool sports victories or mathlete championships to build a strong team spirit among peers.

    Additionally, you can showcase the institution’s achievements, prestigious alumni, and milestones to highlight its rich history and alma mater.

    1. Foster a community spirit

    Digital signage displays offer a solid branding experience. They allow you to proudly flaunt your school's identity with logos, colors, and achievements. This fosters feelings of belonging and pride.

    But school spirit goes beyond aesthetics and logos. It’s about an emotional connection to your institution.

    When students see the school mascot, watch live streams of events, or see the school colors on digital signs, it's a reminder of the experiences, friends, and memories created, building a community beyond the college gates and classroom walls.

    Transforming digital communication with L Squared

    L Squared is a turnkey digital communications solution built to improve your communication with employees and customers. Our cloud-based CMS, the L Squared Hub, helps customers create and manage content easily from a single dashboard. Simply log in to our portal and get started!

    We also help procure and install hardware from our solution partners and aggregators so you can get started without any hassle. If you have any questions about the L Squared Hub or our services, feel free to reach out to us at

